My Eco-Conscious Choices

We’re living in the time of a climate crisis, and the impacts are felt here in Sacramento. According to the American Lung Association’s 2021 State of the Air report, the City of Sacramento is the 6th most ozone polluted city in the entire country, and ranked 10th on the list of most polluted cities by short-term pollution.

Unfortunately, realistic solutions to the climate crisis we are experiencing would require systemic and sweeping changes. Individual actions can seem inconsequential when just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions in the world, and the individual carbon footprint is a narrative pushed by the fossil fuel companies in an attempt to shift blame. Systems change is more important than individual action. BUT - collective individual actions create new social norms and reach tipping points that enact systematic change.

Knowing this - I take a lot of steps in my business and personal life to be as as eco conscious as possible. I’ll admit, it makes me feel good (and a little bit hopeful) to know I’m making Earth-friendly choices that just might contribute to overall social change.

In the spirit of Earth Day 2021, I thought I would share here my eco conscious choices and behaviors I apply to both my business and everyday life! I would love to hear your eco conscious choices and behaviors in the comments below!

  • Bike, Walk, Public Transportation

    • Vehicle emissions account for over 70% of carbon monoxide pollutions in the US, and on average ethnic minorities and lower income groups are more exposed to PM2.5 emissions from vehicles. Whenever possible, I use my bike, walk, or take public transportation instead of using my car. My partner and I also share one vehicle rather than owning and using two, minimizing oil and fuel usage. Unfortunately our car is gas powered - but we hope to purchase an electric vehicle in the future so our necessary vehicle trips have a much smaller impact on pollution.

  • Minimize Single Use, Prioritize Multi Use

    • There’s nothing normal feeling to me about a one-time-use product that is made to be thrown in the trash after use. I don’t consider purchasing single use plastic containers an option - I consider them a last resort. Here are some multi-use alternatives we have in our home:

      • Single reusable coffee machine filter

      • Reusable coffee thermoses, water bottles, straws, cutlery

      • Silicone container tops to use in lieu of cellophane or tin foil wraps

      • Reusable mesh produce bags and grocery shopping bags

      • Rags and towels instead of disposable cleaning wipes or using paper towels

      • Reusable cloth napkins

      • Food containers, snack bags, sandwich wraps and more

      • Cellulose sponges that are machine washable

      • Reusable drier static-free balls instead of disposable sheets

  • Opt For Eco Friendly Packaging

    • Not only do I prioritize biodegradable, recyclable and/or reusable packing materials for the products I create, but I also prioritize purchasing products from other businesses that use such materials and packaging. When products we need to buy are in plastic containers, more often than not I save and repurpose these containers. Here’s some of the eco friendly packaging choices I have made:

      • Pouring wax melts in reusable silicon containers and packing in paper bags instead of single use plastic clam shells

      • Using paper tape instead of plastic

      • Padding items with biodegradable packing peanuts, recyclable paper, or air pouches I received in packages from my own purchases

      • Utilizing bags and boxes made in part from recycled materials, developed into a product that itself is recyclable too

      • Creating my feature product - candles in repurposed glass bottles - eliminating the emissions and pollutions that would otherwise be associated with the product through container production, order fulfillment, and shipment to me

      • I offer a candle refill service - so you can have your own custom candle made in your own container you already have, or refill a candle container you’ve purchased from my shop

  • Compost and Grow Food

    • We’re fortunate enough to have a huge backyard that has enabled us to start growing our own fruits and veggies. And, we divert our food scraps from ending up in landfills where they contribute to methane emissions by composting them in our backyard and turning them into nutrient rich soil that will help new food grow!

  • Support Other Eco Conscious Businesses

    • When shopping and investing my money in any item big or small, I prioritize two things and make informed decisions to the best of my ability with the budget I have. First, I prioritize supporting local businesses, and second, I prioritize supporting those businesses that also make eco friendly choices in their product development, packaging, shipping and more.

  • Continue to Learn

    • I certainly don’t claim to live a perfect eco conscious lifestyle - but I am dedicated to continuing to grow and learn and do better.